她的身體長著一片風景 In Her Body, Landscape Flourishes.

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    她的身體長著一片風景 In Her Body, Landscape Flourishes.
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2016/05/14 ~ 2016/06/05
  • [開 幕]
  • [展 述]

    展覽名稱: 她的身體長著一片風景 In Her Body, Landscape Flourishes.

    藝術家Artist:李依樺 I-Hua Lee

    展期Exhibition:2016年5月14日(Sat.) ~ 2016年6月5日(Sun.)

    開幕Reception:5/14(Sat.)  6:00PM

    地點 Venue:新樂園藝術空間 SLY Art Space












    It wasn’t until a long time after, I learnt from someone else, that I never really understood how to embrace. I dared not embrace a woman’s body, as she was too delicate. The flowing lines of her body and every inch of her skin, each part was too soft to the touch, and with too many intimate messages.


    Women’s body is like a landscape, and they have all walked many paths with their own feet, and the passage of life have now become strokes of beautiful and extraordinary scenes on their bodies. Different choices bring varying views, and this is what is most cherished about women’s autonomy. As I look at these exquisite and refined bodies, I try to imagine, what hesitations do they have over the choices they make? What expectations of their bodies and bodily functions are assumed upon them? What roles and identities do their lives have to bear and assume?


    A silicone belly stiffly pressed up against a woman’s body is a form of protest, bringing to light questions of — whom this body belongs to and whose offspring it is? This alludes to the choices most often taken away from women, by our society with its uniform values regarding marriage or birthrights, in which women have only been able to accept and given a soft response to. But the meaning and existence of women, does not lessen by not becoming someone’s wife or mother, as marriage and children is only a part of the scenery in their splendid and beautiful lives.


    No matter if a woman decides to become a mother or not, as each crevice of her body, or her pregnant belly, or the small life within it, is a separate flourishing landscape of its own. I want to start from the idea of appreciating women, especially in our society, which does not provide a balanced tolerance to them. To salute all mothers, and in this time, emphasize that this choice which deeply affects women’s bodies and a whole lifetime, requires more empathy and respect, as each one of us views the scenery of the landscape differently, but what we all see is something absolutely beautiful.


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